Apparently, the public execution of George Floyd wasn’t enough…

Evidently, the white cops in Kenosha, Wisconsin didn’t get the ‘world is changing’ memo:

It should be obvious; peaceful protests and marches and expressions of concern aren’t enough to discourage and dissuade racist white cops who are hell-bent from the use of excessive deadly force against unarmed black men who pose no deadly threat…

Pending federal legislation designed to reform protocols, policies, and procedures won’t be sufficient to make the wholesale societal changes needed to stop this kind of shit from happening.

Nonviolent resistance or refusal to obey the police is not justification for the use of firearms…

Yet, the police will claim that they felt threatened because the victim here ignored them and simply walked away to get into his car…The cops held him by his t-shirt while they shot him in the back seven times…

Not my idea of change in policing or anything else for that matter….

