British Man Attempts to Burn Historic Synagogue, Sets Head Aflame

Every Brit, anything even vaguely sentient there, knows the nation has deployed scores of thousands of public safety cameras. CCTV eyes, are fairly well ubiquitous. They’re certainly positioned to catch foul behavior at religious institutions, particularly those with historic relevance. Still,  Tristan Morgan, in his fifties, appears a rather ill-informed bigot, who, in addition to needing to carry with him a How-To Manual for White Supremacists, in an attempt to torch an eighteenth–century synagogue in Exeter–the third oldest in Britain–set his poor head aflame. He told police that, while pleased with the accomplishment, he remains chagrined that the shul suffered only 23,000 pounds’ damage. As he will surely become a long-term guest of HMQ, his head, at least as to outward appearances, will be restored. 
