Dear Drew Brees…

Dear Drew,

In your concern regarding the social activism surrounding police brutality is primarily focused on respect for the flag, I have a couple of questions for you.

First, if you could dress all black people in the US flag, and they received criminal treatment like George Floyd did, or Trayvon Martin did, would you come to their defense and assure that they could pass freely without being hunted to death? If we painted their cars with the symbol of Old Glory, would you make sure Sandra Bland was not abused?

If your answer is no, and that you think my questions are ridiculous, then you may be beginning to get the picture.  Human life is more important than any symbol that you can come up with.

And, if your answer is yes, that you would provide this protection for black people from the killing fields that are the streets and private homes and apartments that we face day in and day out, year in and year out.  If you say, yes, Breyonna, if you had sheets made of the US flag, you would not have been shot in your bed, then my question to you is…

…why are you making black people dress up in, sleep in, and drive symbols of the US flag, just to say alive?  What is wrong with white people to make THAT necessary?


