Hidden House

This photo of my house popped up on my Facebook Memories today. Last year I let the Virginia creeper do what it wanted. When I bought the place, the front door had a little enclosed porchlet (where the tenant had installed a washer & drier!) and the creeper covered it. I had the porch thing removed and the creeper crept around the garden, getting into everything. Then I let it attack the house.

I loved the effect.

My son-in-law’s aunt was in town that summer and came over to see me…and went back, baffled, unable to find the front door.

But Virginia creeper gets into the facade ‘boards’ and clutters up the gutter, so in the fall I did the sensible thing, sob. But at least a cutting has taken on the chain-link fence at the side of the property, where it can go crazy, no prob.

The front yard still has that jungle effect, but the house’s bare boring face hangs out now.

Here’s a pic from the previous summer, when the creeper was just getting started on the house.
