Excerpts are VERY important. Excerpts are the  summaries attached to your articles on the home pages, the category pages and the archives. It can be the first sentence, or any other sentence in your article,  or you can write your own custom summary of approximately 200-250 characters. Copy and paste your excerpt into the excerpt box.

Excerpts are picked up by our WordPress theme and used to provide formatting for our site. They are also used by search engines to define your articles. BindleSnitch is designed so that you cannot save an article until you have inserted an excerpt.



  1. If you are in Full Screen Mode, you must exit out of Full Screen. The Excerpt Box will be TWO STEPS DOWN from the main text entry screen.
  2. If you still can’t find the Excerpt Box,  while in regular mode, you will find a tab called SCREEN OPTIONS in the upper right hand corner of the screen directly below your user name.  Click on this tab. You will see a list of options that includes EXCERPT, CHECKLIST, TAGS, CATEGORIES and FEATURED IMAGE. These should all be checked off for the system to work properly.
  3. If the Excerpt box is not checked, simply click on it and
  4. the Excerpt will appear.
  5. While you are here, pay some attention to the LAYOUT section where you can choose between one and two column displays. The one column display places the control boxes UNDER the main post entry area.  The two column display puts the control boxes in a sidebar.

