How to Post Music on BindleSnitch

  1.  Don’t even start this process until you have submitted a few regular posts so that you know how the system works.
  2. You need to have a music file, of course.
  3.  Regardless of whether you post a video or an audio clip, the process is the same:
  4. Click on the Add Media button, above.
  5. Select the file you want to publish
  6. Follow the same steps for inserting images
  7. Insert a descriptive name for the music clip you are submitting.
  8. Write something about it…at least 500 words.
  9. Make sure you include contact information for potential purchasers.
  10. Find or create an picture for the featured image.
  11. Select the Music category.
  12. Insert picture file into the featured image block
  13. Make sure you put your authorized author name into the tags
  14. Save your work.
  15. Check the music section to make sure your post is working properly.
  16. Remember that Music posts do not show up on the home pages or the category pages.
