Racism Without Racists

Racism persists, pervades, and permeates every aspect of the lives of black and brown people in this country and yet there are no racists.

There’s systemic racism but there are no racists to perpetrate and perpetuate it…

There’s institutional racism but there are no racists to perpetrate and perpetuate it…

Are we to blindly believe or simply accept the notion that racism in this country ‘just growed like Topsy’ in Uncle Tom’s Cabin?:

In answer to the question, “Do you know who made you?”

Topsy’s reply is: “S’pect I jus’ grow’d”.

This retort was, itself, for a long time the basis of a common saying: “Growed like Topsy” which became a humorous way of describing how something developed without any particular intention or plan.

Although there were different conceptions of nationalism from the early 1900s through WWII, particularly and especially the role of race and racism in this context, among fascists, racism and nationalism were intricately interwoven in both thought and practice.

Trump’s political socioeconomic world view was born initially and primarily out of the racist ‘birtherism’ memes and tropes that were bandied about which questioned the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s candidacy and presidency.

Trump was able to harness and exploit the racism that nearly 50% of the white voting population harbored by stoking their resentment, fear, and anger.

His MAGA Movement gave them a racist voice and license to openly express the hate and bigotry that seethed just beneath the surface of the facade that had kept it out of public view and political discourse for decades.

Trump’s form of Fascism is as racist as any that had existed in the era between WWI and WWII…

Mussolini openly acknowledged and embraced racism as national policy in order to satisfy Hitler as they became fascist allies during the run-up to WWII…

However, today, while racism is an underlying force that has driven the evolution of ‘Trumpism’ toward full-blown fascism, particularly but not exclusively, everyone on the MAGA right is in denial re actually being a racist…

If you wish to deny that both DeSantis and Trump are racist fascists, be my guest, and good luck with that…

So, while white supremacy, white nationalism, and white Christian fundamentalism run rampant and roughshod through the MAGA Republican Party headed toward race based Fascism, there are no ‘racists’ to perpetrate and perpetuate it…
