Why anti-Semitism’s Turn-On-A-Dime Lethal

     While I am not anti-religious, I am not a theist. I do not identify with Religious Judaism. I identify with Judaism as a series of values-systems emerging from culture- and wisdom-texts that deeply informs (though does not wholly define) my social relations, my cultural-, political-, justice-interests and commitments.

     And yet I am, as is every Jew, subject to anti-Semitism regardless of my Jewish and non-Jewish affiliations and commitments. 

      What makes modern anti-Semitism…modern…is precisely that anti-Semitism, since close by the beginning of the last century, does not require me to believe in anything spiritual for me or for any Jew to be a target of anti-Semitism, because the real and lasting Nazi triumph remains the now rather permanent idea that being a Jew is not, at root,  about ideas in the minds of Jews or Jew-haters, but being a Jew is about blood. And you do not need people loudly to sign on to that theory for it to matter because, since the triumph of Twentieth-Century Racial anti-Semitism, that free-floating protoplasm of anti-Jewish bigotry, is so infused with racialist ideology (no matter what any other particular iteration of anti-Jewish sentiment may also attach or independently exist), that, in fact, all anti-Semitic instances are tainted by, if not shot through with, Racial anti-Semitism.

     And what that means is that it can always, societally (large, regional, even on a campus or in a neighborhood, or in a legislature or in a courtroom), turn on a dime lethal.

Note: The photo is that of a poster at Princeton.
