What would VG have thot…

I was afraid that my daughter Laura would go full Van Gogh for our (her, my other daughter Jennifer and me) visit to the Van Gogh “Immersive” thing. But she only wore the tights (not shown). (Not readily visible: ear bandage.)


I wore a purple mask. Jennifer went in civvies.

The Immersive was fun. We were a little concerned when we entered the first room – just a bunch of quotes against background of brush-strokes. But then there was a dramatic doorway with, yes, illuminated paintings flowing over it and the wall and (very trippy) the floor…

In the large room beyond (in an agricultural exhibition building – essentially a classy barn) the paintings, always moving, were projected onto the walls, columns and floor. Kinda gimmicky, but still cool. (Are things “cool” any more?)

The portraits – thru some technical magic it seemed as if they winked at us.

The flower pictures were wonderful. Some of the gloomy works were…gloomy. The skull was a surprise – hadn’t known that painting.

Climax, of course, was Starry Night, with twinkling stars.

People appeared to be enthralled. One person was moved to a series of gymnastics (or maybe just inspecting the paintings from another angle.

Bought a sunflower pillow in the gift shop.

We drove home just ahead of another snow dump. Next morning a foot or so or snow in that town (and a fair amount in our own). (No VG paintings with snow were included.)
