• Guess Who Came to Dinner?
    Such as, I never knew that I had Virginian relatives.  As it turns out, there were quite a few.  That was mildly interesting, since I now live in the commonwealth.  A bit of trivia, I suppose. […]
  • Bed
    I’m sleeping in this bed because the Home 2 was too pricey. […]
  • Both Sides of the Galaxy…Now
    Within the galaxy, and without, there are all sorts of challenges, and nefarious characters that young men run towards for the experience, and parents would be mortified by if they actually knew what their progeny were up to. […]
  • More colorful than the drag queen
    S/he was all in tasteful silver - I wore a gaudy shirt. […]
  • Don’t Try It…Until You Knock It
    When I was growing up, houses had doors, doorbells, and door knockers.  I can’t think of how many doors I have approached and either rang the doorbell, or knocked.  […]
  • Movin’ On
    I thought I was gaining knowledge about my country, and my society, through experience.  Time would tell. […]
  • Playing By Ear, A Life’s Lesson Learned
    When you learn to listen, you can't stop learning... […]
  • Merry Christmas from Ohio
    Right now it’s ten degrees. I never thought I’d look at ten degrees as a relief from the cold but it absolutely is. […]
  • The Thanksgiving Frenzy
    Every year, when the Thanksgiving Frenzy comes around, it always surprises me, […]
  • You Know You’re Getting Old When
    You know you're getting old when you suddenly remember why you are writing a post... […]
  • Rating McDonald’s Mobile App
    What McDonald's offers today simply cannot compare or compete with what McDonald's once was.... […]
  • New Rules for Daily Behavior in a Shooting Gallery
    Highland Park is a Jewish neighborhood. Do you really think that was a coincidence? […]
  • A Question About Evidence, Proof and God
    In 'Faith v Fact', Jerry A Coyne raises a key question: whether the drama of 'creation' inevitably culminates in humans (or something like humans) who are capable of acknowledging the playwright. […]
  • Ipswich
    Sometimes age startles me. I’m looking at buildings in the US that were around for at least a quarter of a century before Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi were born. […]
  • A Brief Subject Matter Inventory
    I didn't mention racism in America because there's a racial aspect or component to virtually everything that can be identified for inclusion in this inventory... […]
  • Black History Month: The ‘Other’ Black Russian
    This is absolutely not a Beethoven was black post. […]
  • Viva Vida’s
    Growing up in the late 20th century in Ohio which was on its comedown from the bustling 60s created a certain kind of sense of humor that you had to develop in lieu of going crazy.  […]
  • BindleSnitch Fuckery?
    There are no Pulitzer Prizes for abject silence.... […]
  • A dog bowl
    The bowl hasn’t worn at all in a half century of use. […]
  • Site Closing, continuing to gather?
    Just read the damned piece […]
  • Just in case you wanted to know…
    If you don't get booed, or pooh- poohed, you'll likely end up talking about when/whether you'll get boosted... […]
  • Compared to What?
    The recent legal events and courtroom occurrences are reminiscent of the concerns and issues I went to law school to address and eradicate... […]
  • About Me and my husband
    Now, a lot of people have no idea or interest in the Cat Fancy, which is worldwide. Most people if they appear interested at all, assume it is like the AKC dog shows shown on tv. Yes and no. […]
  • Not exactly a silver lining, but close
    Image taken 9/26/21, Stowe, VT […]
  • We Can Look Into This, It’s Free
    The most attractive feature is that it's free of charge and one person could conceivably be the host for additional blog accounts... […]
  • New Rules of the Road for 2021 and Beyond
    Most accidents are caused by people who are drunk, high on drugs, whacked out on prescription pharmaceuticals, sleep-deprived, distracted by their electronic devices, in the midst of relationship ending screaming matches with their soon to be ex-partners, […]
  • Accidental Glampers
    Even so, hitting the road was somewhat liberating.  We had been planning for a month or so to join our friends on a camping trip on an island in Lake Champlain.  Last summer it was difficult to see what the future would look like […]
  • Lightning bugs
    Forget the porcupine. This really is about lightning bugs. […]
  • Global Warming anyone?
    Highway to Hell - no thanks […]
  • Socialized Medicine?
    It seems that an internet search for "socialized medicine" largely nets cartoons decrying its horrors. […]
  • Mowing the lawn
    This post is really about mowing the lawn. This isn’t code for anything andI’m not making a larger point. […]
  • Taking a Ride
    Sometimes I see his own will independent of mine.  I have stood and watched, with him not engaged with me, and watched the force with which he has galloped off toward something that caught his interest. […]
  • More about Maureen
    In which it approaches the existential […]
  • Hail & Farewell
    The town seems empty now without my friend. […]
  • Today’s New Pet Peeve: Banning Menthol Cigarettes
    The Biden administration wants to ban menthol cigarettes because menthol cigarettes, long most popular among communities of color, have been targeted by advocacy groups that believe menthol cigarettes are a "gateway" product in the mistaken belief that menthol cigarettes aren't as "harsh" as regular cigarettes. […]
  • Back in The Game
    If I seem to be MIA, now you know why... […]
  • Zoom adventure
    Spooky green-screen effects […]
  • My Tarot Website
    Years in the making! […]
  • A Small Plumbing Problem
    "It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it." […]
  • The Latest on Maureen, if You Were Wondering. Or not.
    I thought I'd lighten things up around here with a progress report on my dear sister, Maureen. […]
  • Pandemic Blues
    It's like we should all be going around ringing bells and shouting “Unclean, unclean.” […]
  • Christmas Crazies
    Anyone who believes he or she had an Ozzie and Harriet, Currier and Ives, Norman Rockwell, or Irving Berlin kind of "White Christmas", needs to seek and secure professional help immediately... […]
  • T-Rex, Krampus & I – visit daughter Laura
    Lord God I look, okay am, old and drunk, no really not drunk […]
  • So Back to Me…
    ...because I'm sure you're wondering. […]
  • Naked Man in my Back Yard
    Summer & winter, uncomplaining […]
  • Other People’s Garbage
    A hostess gift of horse manure - thank you thank you […]
  • The Marvelous Pleasures of Ethiopian Food
    I'm a closet foodie, something I admit with a somewhat guilty conscience given all of the hunger and food insecurity in the world. Nevertheless, as a closet foodie, my secret passion is Ethiopian cuisine. The fact that a country that has long been associated with recollections of famines has one of the most unique and flavorful cuisines is one of life's strange ironies. […]
  • What’s Going On in My Life
    I'm hearing there's been some pressure on members of this forum to post more than they do. Or to post at all. […]
  • Hidden House
    There's a front door there somewhere […]
  • They don’t make ’em like that any more
    Be it ever so humble... […]
  • Nothing Exciting is Happening…And That’s GOOD!
    Okay, so nothing exciting is happening (that's GOOD!) […]
  • What’s for breakfast?
  • Alan Milner on Bindlesnitch
    "If a fact-based, snark-free environment deters people from showing up and signing on, then so be it..." […]
  • Covid Cancellations: A Short List
    Here's a short list of the cancellations that must be contemplated consistent the with the recommendation to avoid intimate indoor and outdoor gatherings... […]
  • Good Help is Hard to Find
    Got a call from Frank, my old handyman back east. He phones periodically, but always towards the end of the year to remind me about Dr. Who – I send him a CD of the previous year's episodes every Xmas. He doesn't have TV and used to come to my place to watch. Not welcome in everyone's house […]
  • Supermarket Automation at Wal-Mart
    We hate shopping at Wal-Mart but since the prices at the Wal-Mart Supermarkets are up to 20% less for the same items at Publix, and we are on a very limited income, we would be fools not to shop there. Today, however, we were quite shocked by one of the changes they have made to the store. There are no more cashiers. None. […]
  • “I Look White”…..(But), Cheryl Green Rosario, HuffPost
    I’ve also been a fly on the wall when white people didn’t know anyone of color was looking or listening. […]
  • On Becoming a “Black Friend.”
    Everything about this man is interesting.  It is difficult to know where to begin to describe him.  His story is just so interesting.  I guess the best way is to just relate how I came to know him.  V arrived at my door to do demolition to my old bathroom with his 16 year old son. […]
  • Buyer Beware: Amazon vs. Home Depot
    The lowly but indispensable 5-in-1 Painter's Tool is experiencing a surge in popularity with some versions now that the painter's tool can now perform up to 15 functions. So, yes, you need one....but be careful where you buy yours. […]
  • At 74, Something to Contemplate
    For the soul is dead that slumbers,    And things are not what they seem. […]
  • A Very Fetching Retriever in the Before Time
    Everything started to change then, but we were not quite seeing it.  It was right around then that I heard that this virus... […]
  • Five Minutes On Clair De Lune
    You'd think I would feel that there's nothing I could learn from someone who purports to teach me how to listen to a piece I've been playing for decades.... […]
  • What White Folks Don’t Know
    How does one go about proving that he/she has the right to exist and live as a human being? […]
  • “no way would I carry that much cash”
    A shift to a cashless economy would effectively exclude or shut, already marginalized black and brown people, out of the economic mainstream altogether. […]
  • What Meritoracy? Tim Wise Is Spot On As Usual
    It will be because white people make the case to reluctant and recalcitrant white folks... […]
  • This Is Brotherhood by Chief Dan George
    This essay was written by Chief Dan George (1899-1981) a chief of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation, a Coast Salish band. He was known as political and social activist, poet, author, musician and actor who was best known for his Oscar-nominatated role as Old Lodge Skins in the film Little Big Man […]
  • VA Lost Lee, NASCAR Nixed the South’s Flag & R. Williams Is Gone
    It’s the little things that have the greatest impact on the nature and quality of an individual’s life.... […]
  • I Have a Call for Bitey, Will You Accept…
    As we discussed the life of a clergy, Reverend Miller said, I want you to consider studying theology, and to pursue a career as a pastor.  I said, “what about the calling? […]
  • When, Oh When, Will You White People Put an End to This Shit?!
    One can easily imagine what the posture would be if this video hadn't been shot and published... […]
  • First Impressions
    The cello is up in her genius workshop, along with some antiques, and some rolled up Oriental rugs that we are not using. The last couple of years, I have listened to her cello playing from a distance. It seems to improve in sudden steps. It was her first stringed instrument, so if you were not watching, you could not tell if she was playing a drum, a kazoo, or livestock. […]
  • How Bigotry Has Befallen Baby Boomers
    Whenever I see a headline with the word "seniors" in it, I know that whatever follows that headline is going to be another scam aimed at older people, a quack cure for yet another made-up disease, a warning about how the government is going to take away your Social Security […]
  • I’m Beginning to Suspect That…
    If this place is to work, it will work because people who write, care about the writing and the right to do so, not about the display or the splash... […]
  • November Remembrance
    That's me in the basket... […]
  • People who would buy the ‘Jesus Shoe’
    The concept of "the Jesus shoe" is at best an insult to Christians and abject blasphemy at worst.... […]
  • Open Call: BindleSnitch Housekeeping Suggestions and Requests
    If you have any other housekeeping suggestions or requests make them here or in a separate post... […]
  • The Dept of Don’t Get Me Started: In What Sense Is God Perfect?
    In What Sense Is God Perfect? […]
  • I’d Never Have Considered a “Life Style Lift” ‘Til Now
    Bargain […]
  • Jon Wolfman’s book challenge #3
    I usually stay away from terms like Paradigm Shift but this was one. […]
  • A Bonus Book Cover for Jon’s Challenge
    In many respects, the protagonist could easily have been me. […]
  • The Jonathan Wolfman Book Cover Challenge, Day 4
    In an effort to determine the role of black people in ancient civilization, Frank M. Snowden examines a broad span of Greco- Roman history... […]
  • The Jonathan Wolfman Book Cover Challenge, Day 3
    In the interest of literacy and literature. […]
  • The Jonathan Wolfman Book Cover Challenge, Day 2
    In the interest of literature and literacy.... […]
  • The Jonathan Wolfman Book Cover Challenge
    In the interest of promoting literacy. […]
  • Jello Day
    "Dad..." […]
  • Indifference: Trump is Counting on It
    There are people whose lives are unaffected by the decisions and choices the can have an impact on the lives of those who are susceptible and vulnerable. […]
  • Open-Call: The Most Idiotic Lie We Told Our Parents
    Humans and Dino the Dinosaur […]
  • From the Department of WTF
    It’s a neighborhood battle that’s bad to the bone... […]
  • ‘The’ Question About Race In America: Reposted for Comment
    "If the racial shit hits the fan at your house, or in your life..." […]
  • The Question About Race in America
    "If the racial shit hits the fan at your house, or in your life..." […]
  • Today Is My Birthday
    I'm 73 years old today.... […]
  • Seen At Target: Now Stand Still While I Shoot You
    This is a brief screed on the subject of the total stupidity of open carry laws. […]
  • Marijuana Use Reaches 30-year High
    According to a new survey, the percentage of college […]

Recent Comments

  • JP Hart on At 74, Something to Contemplate: “! God Bless You Piano Man ! One might approach this as what favorite song unyet written. I’ve followed the…Jun 21, 14:26
  • JP Hart on Trump Indicted: Finally?: “‘Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards ….’ **** Kierkegaard ***May 30, 14:27
  • Bitey on STOP! Unless You’re Good at Golf…: “That is precisely the connection that I hoped someone would make. It is a very small thing that makes for…May 24, 00:24
  • koshersalaami on STOP! Unless You’re Good at Golf…: “MP’s give the best traffic signals. My biggest problem with Trump is that he thinks like Sheffler. The rules aren’t…May 24, 00:16
  • JP Hart on STOP! Unless You’re Good at Golf…: “Sorry Bitey, Some blame the bossa nova but with me it’s ergonomics. Counter of crows. That’s how the story goes.…May 21, 15:16
  • JP Hart on STOP! Unless You’re Good at Golf…: “Sir Bitney, in this era of bowlers and browsers … just misread my screen icon Fact Checkers as Fast Checkers.…May 20, 15:06
  • Bitey on STOP! Unless You’re Good at Golf…: “It’s Bitey.May 19, 19:46
  • JP Hart on STOP! Unless You’re Good at Golf…: “Mr, When I get as LO;} as you’re sounding I, A): do 25 fingertip pushups while spinning ‘Impossible Dream’ B):…May 19, 17:11
  • Bitey on STOP! Unless You’re Good at Golf…: “It is as if Osama bin Laden hit a baseball, ripped the seams, and the force tore the cover off…May 19, 11:56
  • Art Stone on STOP! Unless You’re Good at Golf…: “I cannot imagine a more boring afternoon than one which included chasing a small ball across pesticide slathered lawns. I…May 19, 11:48
  • JP Hart on Make It Rough: “!flags & fifes! MAY B Club Random will (keep-looking over that four-leaf clover, Bill!) and interview Lorien Pratt, Ph.D! LP’s…May 16, 13:43
  • JP Hart on Make It Rough: “Eric Clapton, Rod Stewart, Phil Collins, Bee Gees, Eagles, Foreigner 📀 Old Love Songs 70s,80s,90s Was I just called. My…May 16, 12:56



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