You’re A Racist If…

You’re a racist if you believe that you can and should seek common to find ground with racists….

You’re a racist if you believe that systemic racism and institutional racism can exist without individual racists…

You’re a racist if you believe that  the support and vote for Trump aren’t an admission and manifestation of the racism inherent in such behaviors…

You’re a racist if you believe that even if black and brown lives matter, black and brown voices and votes shouldn’t…

You’re a racist if you can’t or don’t know or don’t understand why black and brown people feel  constantly threatened, and feel that it’s dangerous to be black or brown in America…

You’re a racist if you deny or are indifferent or unaware of the fact of the effect and impact of historical and contemporary racism on the daily lives of average black and brown citizens of this country…

There’s more I can add to this litany but if you don’t get my point here, you’re a racist….
